Clickbait: Ever Heard Music Live?

Proper title: I saw ||ALA|MEDA|| live and it was awesome.

It’s good. I recommend it. Almost forgot how good it can be with the bustle of ordinary life but today these guys reminded me.

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I was alive in June 2022

and I’m continuing this, I haven’t forgotten!

July was busy. Life-busy, in an absolutely positive way. I decide to limit my moaning and actually live, and enjoy doing so. This month, I went kayaking. I flipped the kayak. I had a big nasty scar on my leg. Moaning to a minimum. That’s the start of a character arc, at the very least.

I also heard the water slowly plodding along. Watched horses run on a dirt road. Saw some kind of bird-predator. Saw three of them. Got splashed. Got sunburned. Had my leg swallowed up to its knee on a muddy bank.


Continue reading “I was alive in June 2022”